The Team

Margarita Pintin-Perez

Community Partnership Leader

Margarita Pintin-Perez

Biography: Margarita Pintin-Perez is the former Senior Coordinator of the Initiative to End GBV at OCASI - Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants. She has a PhD in Social Science from El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (Mexico) and an MSW from the University of Toronto. In her role at OCASI from 2019 - 2023, she led a national project focused on building the leadership capacity of non-status, refugee, and immigrant (NSRI) survivors of GBV. She has been directly involved in critical GBV projects focused on building the capacity and collaboration between the settlement sector and the anti-violence sector in Canada. In addition, she has contributed to writing resources and training and recently co-authored a book chapter in the third edition (2022) of Cruel But Not Unusual: Violence in Families in Canada and authored the latest issue from the Learning Network (2023), Building Survivor Leadership Capacity: Sharing Lessons Learned from Non-Status, Refugee, and Immigrant Women.

Dianne Lalonde

Research & Knowledge Mobilization Specialist

Dianne Lalonde

Biography: Dianne conducts research on topics related to gender-based violence including technology-facilitated violence, coercive control, trauma- and violence-informed approaches, and legal advocacy. She enjoys utilizing innovative knowledge mobilization strategies to make diverse forms of knowledge available and accessible. Her work is done in collaboration with partners and community members. Previously, Dianne's work has been with not-for-profit community agencies such as Kingston Interval House, London and District Distress Centre, and Elder Abuse London Middlesex. She is also a PhD Candidate (ABD) in Political Science at Western University. Her dissertation is entitled “Cultural Appropriation: How Meanings are Taken, Distorted, and Destroyed.”

Jassamine Tabibi

Research Associate

Jassamine  Tabibi

Biography: Jassamine supports research and knowledge mobilization activities at the Learning Network. This includes production and dissemination of various resources on gender-based violence such as reports, newsletters, and learning briefs. Jassamine also supports knowledge mobilization events including annual Knowledge Exchanges and other special events that address issues related to gender-based violence, child maltreatment, and sexual violence.

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