Reinventing Our Campuses: Creating Real Community Safety to Address Sexual Violence

The Forum was held in partnership with Students for Consent Culture Canada. The Forum brought together culturally and gender-diverse survivor, student, and advocate perspectives on current realities related to gender-based sexual violence and oppressions on Canadian campuses. Speakers focused on implications for policy and programs required to create inclusive, safe campuses. Participants learned about emerging, innovative, and culturally responsive online and in-person supports and programs for survivors, bystanders, and those who have committed harm. The Forum took place on February 8 & 9, 2022.



To prepare for the Forum, participants were encouraged to read the Brief entitled Sexual Violence Advocacy (SV) and Campus Communities: SV Campus Policies authored by Nicole Pietsch of the Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres. This Brief provides context for current sexual violence policies on post-secondary campuses and highlights the critical role of collective advocacy for bringing about change.




Traditional Opening Ceremony by Gae Ho Hwako Norma Jacobs







Opening presentations: 

Envisioning Safety on Post-Secondary Campuses: How Did We Get Here, and Where Are We Going?

"Trust your gut and do it yourself": Resisting Securitisation and Co-Optation
at Post-Secondary Institutions

A Discussion of the Culture and Perspectives on a Sexual Assault Policy Project from Nova Scotia

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Intersectional Perspectives on Campus Sexual Violence Policies

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Consent on Stolen Land

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Engaging Male-Identifying Students in the Prevention of Sexual Violence

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Transforming Anti-Sexual Violence Programming:
To Better Support Survivors, Engage Students, and Respond to Harm

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