Our Work

This collection of Learning Network resources is designed to synthesize and disseminate knowledge on topics related to Gender-Based Violence (GBV). These resources provide foundational GBV knowledge including commonly used language, important gaps and emerging issues, recent research, and important educational tools and resources.

Backgrounders provide an extended exploration of specific terms, laws, and policies. 

Briefs discuss emerging and/or complex issues and summarize primary research findings in clear language.

Comics express ideas and tell stories through a sequence of art and text.

Facebook Lives share tips to supporting survivors in a short format (15 minutes).

Glossary offers accessible and evidence-based definitions of frequently used GBV terms, in addition to resources for further learning.

Infographics display information in a concise and engaging graphic manner.

Issue-based Newsletters highlight relevant research, promising practices, and online resources on GBV issues.

Little Eyes, Little Ears Podcast Series shares the multitude of innovative and evidence-informed ways that individuals in Canada are centering children and youth in GBV work, including children’s exposure to family violence. 

Reports consist of knowledge exchange papers, research results, technical reports, and peer-reviewed publications by team members.

Resources on Gender-Based Violence and the COVID-19 Pandemic is a centralized hub for resources. It shares the work of organizations across Canada, as well as key international research.

Special Events offer an in-depth exploration of a emergent GBV topic.

Videos consist of presentations on important GBV topics and recordings of survivors sharing their lived experience.

Interested in using Learning Network resources?
All our resources are open-access and can be shared (e.g., linked, downloaded and sent) or cited with credit. If you would like to adapt and/or edit, translate, or embed/upload our content on your website/training materials (e.g., Webinar video), please email us at gbvln@uwo.ca so that we can work together to do so.