Not Yours to Distribute! Intimate Images and Consent

This Virtual Forum was held on February 8 and 9, 2023 from 1:00 to 3:30 pm Eastern Time (ET).


click here for forum program

With the rise of sexting and further means of sharing intimate images through technology, there have been growing concerns about how to address the non-consensual distribution of intimate images. Sharing intimate images can be a form of healthy sexual expression, however, the distribution of such images without consent causes harm with social, emotional, and economic impacts on survivors. Non-consensual distribution of intimate images can be used to coercively control and exert power over a person, such as an intimate partner.  

This Learning Network Virtual Forum explores non-consensual distribution of intimate images of adults in the Canadian context. An intersectional and sex-positive lens will be used to explore its forms and how it impacts different communities. Barriers to support seeking and trauma-informed responses to support survivors will be discussed.  

This Forum is particularly relevant to gender-based violence and allied service providers, as well as human rights advocacy groups (e.g. rape crisis centers, shelters, victim services, community-based groups).  

Forum recordings will be emailed to those registered.

Learning Objectives

By participating in this Forum, participants will be better able to:  

  • Describe non-consensual distribution of intimate images including its various forms and impacts on survivors, as well as harmful myths surrounding it 
  • Understand experiences of non-consensual distribution of intimate images as they occur in diverse communities and intimate relationships  
  • Support survivors’ efforts in seeking justice, services, and healing   
  • Challenge harmful actions through technology and promote healthy behaviour using a sex-positive and intersectional lens  
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