Learning Network Products - English

Stress, Interpersonal Violence and COVID-19
Learning Network
COVID-19 has changed many aspects of our lives, including our mental health. Pandemic-related stress may have an even greater impact on people who are already coping with trauma such as intimate partner violence, sexual violence or child maltreatment.

COVID-19 & Gender-Based Violence in Canada: Key Issues and Recommendations
Learning Network
This document examines how COVID-19 may create pathways and barriers leading to gender-based violence and violence against women and children.  It highlights key recommendations for responding to these issues, with a specific focus on the Canadian context.  

3 Considerations for Supporting Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Learning Network

This infographic offers three considerations to help women, and those supporting women, to increase their safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Intimate Partner Violence in a Pandemic: COVID-19-Related Controlling Behaviours
Learning Network 

This infographic details how the control and intimidation tactics already used by partners who cause harm can be compounded by the use of COVID-19-related controlling behaviours.

Keep Children Safe from Online Sexual Exploitation & Abuse During the Pandemic
Learning Network
This backgrounder examines potential increased risks for online sexual exploitation and abuse of children during the COVID-19 pandemic and provides strategies for parents to keep children safe.

Keeping Children Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Learning Network
This backgrounder shares important considerations and strategies for keeping children who may be at an increased risk of experiencing abuse or maltreatment safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sexual Violence and COVID-19
Learning Network
This infographic shares some of the ways that the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting sexual violence.

Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence During COVID-19 Reopening
Learning Network
This brief summarizes current research and advocacy on domestic violence against women and children in the context of COVID-19 reopening, as well as policy recommendations for addressing the needs of survivors and the organizations that support them.

“More Exposed & Less Protected” in Canada: Racial Inequality as Systemic Violence During COVID-19
Learning Network
This backgrounder provides a broad summary of recent research, reporting, and advocacy on the intersections of racism and COVID-19 in Canada. It seeks to highlight some of the ways that these intersections leave Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) “more exposed and less protected” to harms during the pandemic, with a particular focus on healthcare, labour, and housing.


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