#MaybeNextTime: There Shouldn’t be a Next Time

This Facebook Live was presented and recorded on June 20, 2024.

This presentation explores five essential approaches and best practices for supporting Black women and girls during the disclosure of sexual violence. Additionally, it outlines strategies for designing and delivering responsive services that prioritize their needs and well-being, aiming to shift away from practices that inadvertently re-victimize them. These approaches are crucial for fostering environments where Black women and girls can have equitable access to justice.


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Presented by: Joëlle Kabisoso, Sisters in Sync

Joelle-Kabisoso.pngJoëlle Kabisoso is an award-winning community engagement coordinator, workshop facilitator, and social entrepreneur. She serves as the founder and executive director of Sisters in Sync, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping Black girls and women to be, become, and belong through a range of programs, services, and advocacy efforts. Her involvement with Sisters in Sync has resulted in the establishment of the #MaybeNextTime Campaign, a city-wide project focused on reshaping access to justice for Black women and girls and advocating against victim-blaming practices.

In recognition of her impactful advocacy work, Joëlle has been honored with several awards, including the 2022 L'Oréal Paris Women of Worth award and the 2021 YWCA Hamilton Trailblazer award, among others. Her dedication to empowering marginalized communities and driving positive social change continues to inspire and uplift those around her.

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