How is Gender Equality Measured?

This infographic explains how gender equality is measured by the World Economic Forum in terms of economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment.

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While no single measure fully captures gender equality, gaps in equality between men and women are
examined with measures in four basic areas:

1. Economic Participation and Opportunity
2. Educational Attainment
3. Health and Survival
4. Political Empowerment

Since 2005, the World Economic Forum has used measures in the above areas

to rank countries on gender equality. Canada’s rankings out of 136 countries

in 2013 are below:

  • Number 9 in Economic Participation and Opportunity: women’s presence in the
    workforce (e.g. unemployment, remuneration for equal work): the quality of women’s economic
    involvement (e.g.. women in managerial positions, duration and wages with maternity leave)
  • Number 1 in Educational Attainment: women and girls obtaining equal education (e.g. rates
    of enrollment in all levels of education, literacy rates)
  • Number 49 in Health and survival: equal access to health (e.g. sex ratio at birth, life
  • Number 42 in Political empowerment: equal representation of women in formal and
    informal decision-making positions in their communities (e.g. parliament seats held by women,
    years a women has been head of state)

 This infographic emerged from the Issue-Based Newsletter 10: Gender Equality.


This collection of Learning Network resources is designed to synthesize and disseminate knowledge on topics related to Gender-Based Violence (GBV). These resources provide foundational GBV knowledge including commonly used language, important gaps and emerging issues, recent research, and important educational tools and resources.

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