Improving Pathways to Safety for 2SLGBTQ+ Survivors of Violence

Presented by Ellis Furman & Vivila Yujuan Liu.
This webinar was presented and recorded
on April 28, 2020.

The Improving Pathways to Safety project for 2SLGBTQ+ Survivors of Violence project was conducted between 2018-2019 to work with a small sample of five domestic violence organizations in Ontario to understand the barriers and facilitators in supporting multiply-marginalized Two-Spirit, queer, transgender, and non-binary survivors access supports. The webinar described the overall findings from the research project, and outlined recommendations for understanding how we can work together to support 2SLGBTQ+ in accessing what they need to promote their safety, health, and well-being.

Webinar Recording

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Learning Objectives


  1. Developed an increased awareness of how 2SLGBTQ+ individuals are impacted by violence, and the gap in adequate interventions and supports to serve these communities.
  2. Developed an increased capacity to envision creative strategies for promoting gender and sexual diversity in our places of work, our communities, and our personal lives.


Furman-HeadShotsml.jpg Ellis Furman (pronouns: they/them) is a PhD candidate and Vanier Canada Scholar in Community Psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University. Ellis uses qualitative, quantitative, and arts-informed research methods to amplify the voices of queer and trans communities through community-based research, program evaluation, and knowledge mobilization.




Liu-HeadShot2sml.jpg Vivila Yujuan Liu (Pronouns: she/her) is a researcher and sex educator who is dedicated in promoting holistic sexual health for diverse communities, and empowering 2SLGBTQ+ individuals by providing culturally appropriate sex education. Vivila is a masters student in Community Psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University, and holds a B.A. in Psychology from Western University.



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