Social Marketing in the Prevention of Violence Against Women


Humberto Carolo, Director of Programs, White Ribbon

Humberto works collaboratively with local and international partner organizations, governments and corporations to develop educational strategies to engage men and boys in promoting gender equality. Humberto’s work is focused on strategic program development and evaluation at the local and international level; partnership development; research; capacity building; and campaign development. In addition to his work in Canada and the US, Humberto has worked on projects and partnership building initiatives focusing on engaging men and boys in gender equality in Brazil, Sri Lanka, Cape Verde, Turkey, Portugal, Mexico, Zambia, Kenya, South Africa, and Papua New Guinea.  He is a founding member and current Co-chair of the North American MenEngage Network.

Presentation: Marketing Social Change: It Starts With You Campaign

It Starts With You. It Stays With Him. Resources:

  1. Ca Cammence Affiche 2012
  2. Ca Commence Carte Postale 2012
  3. Half Page Horizontal - It Starts With You. It Stays With Him. poster
  4. Full Page -It Starts With You. It Stays With Him. poster
  5. Post Card - 1/3 page
  6. Full Page - "Put Yourself in the Picture"
  7. Full Page - White Ribbon/ETFO 2013 poster


Website & Social Media Links:

  1. White Ribbon Website
  2. White Ribbon Facebook
  3. White Ribbon Twitter
  4. It Starts With You. It Stays With Him. Facebook
  5. It Starts With You. It Stays With Him. Twitter


Phillip Haid, Co-Founder & CEO, Public Inc.

Phillip co-founded PUBLIC in 2008 to disrupt the way companies, charities, governments and consumers/citizens think about public engagement and doing “good”. Driven by a passion to prove that profit and purpose must go hand in hand to generate large scale social impact, he set out to build a hybrid company – part agency/part social innovation lab – that creates social impact through public engagement, fundraising, advocacy and volunteer engagement programs, campaigns, platforms and businesses. As CEO, he is responsible for overseeing strategy, creative development and the overall growth of the business. PUBLIC’s clients include Unilever, IKEA, Indigo, Rexall, Manulife, Public Health Agency of Canada, WWF, YMCA, ParticipACTION, Partners for Mental Health, Alzheimer’s Society, and White Ribbon.

Presentation: Show & Tell: What Not To Learn In Kindergarten


  1. S-Drive: Drive safe. Be rewarded.
  2. Piano Stairs - Fun Theory Ad by Volkswagen
  3. WattPad
  4. Julia Roberts is Mother Nature


Website & Social Media Links:

  1. Public Inc Website
  2. Public Inc Facebook
  3. Public Inc Twitter


Matt Everson, Digital Strategy and Communications Specialist

Matt has harnessed numerous facets of his marketing experience and effectively incorporated them in to his passion for marketing and relationship building. He has developed an acute understanding of digital marketing challenges and opportunities, as well as key engagement processes. His passion for relationship building and a strong head for strategy make him an asset to any team in developing innovative, actionable marketing strategies that help with digital initiatives, drive community engagement and support social experiences more effectively.

Presentation: Social Marketing Campaigns -- Creating Social Experience Using Social Media


Sheryl Hann, Senior Service Development Analyst, Ministry of Social Development, Wellington, New Zealand

Sheryl is a part of the national team in New Zealand working on the ‘It’s Not OK’ family violence prevention campaign ( This multi-layered social change campaign, which seeks to positively change attitudes and behaviours around family violence, has been running since 2008.  In NZ, the campaign has wide recognition and a range of community partnerships, and was awarded the Prime Minister’s Award for Public Sector Excellence in 2010 and 2013. Sheryl has worked in the family/domestic violence area for nearly 20 years, starting at a local Women’s Refuge, also working at Women’s Refuge national office and the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse research centre.

Presentation: Creating Change to prevent family violence in New Zealand


  1. Video Presentation - Day 1
  2. Video Presentation - Day 2


Website & Social Media Links:

  1. Its Not OK! Website
  2. Its Not OK! Facebook
  3. Its Not OK! Twitter


Samina Sami, Education, Awareness & Outreach Manager, Ontario Women's Directorate

Samina has held diverse portfolios in the Ontario Public Service over the past nineteen years. Her achievements include leading the government’s response to the Goudge Inquiry, implementing diverse transfer payment programs with communities, managing organizational transformation and leading education and training programs. She has also worked in the community sector with newcomers, women’s issues and human rights. She is also a PhD student with a focus on public education.


Linda Baker & Anna Lee Straatman, The Learning Network

Dr. Linda Baker is the Director of the Violence Against Women Learning Network at the Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children at the University of Western Ontario. She is past Director of the Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System (formerly the London Family Court Clinic). For over 20 years, most of her research and clinical work has involved adolescent/adult offenders and children/adults who have been victims of abuse and involved with the criminal and family court systems. She has co-authored over  20 publications/resources related to children and families, including Walk Proud, Dance Proud: Footprints on a Healing Journey; Helping Children Thrive: Supporting Woman Abuse Survivors as Mothers; Little Eyes, Little Ears: How Violence against a Mother Shapes Children as They Grow; and Helping an Abused Woman: 101 things to Know, Say and Do.  She has presented workshops across the United States and Canada, as well as in Europe and Asia to various groups including judges, lawyers, mental health professionals and educators. Since 2000, Dr. Baker has been a frequent faculty member for the US National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges' and Futures Without Violence program on “enhancing judicial skills in domestic violence cases”.

Anna-Lee Straatman completed her Masters degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Western Ontario in 1993. Anna-Lee holds the position of Manager with the Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children.  She has worked in the violence against women filed for many years in various capacities.  She was the Project Manager for the Youth Relationships Project under the direction of Dr. David Wolfe; and for the Girl Child project under the supervision of Dr. Helene Berman. Anna-Lee has conducted interviews with more than one hundred adult survivors of child sexual abuse. She has worked extensively with Dr. Peter Jaffe, Dr. David Wolfe and Dr. Alan Lescheid on clinical assessments of adult survivors of child sexual abuse, including historical abuse in institutions. Anna-Lee has worked with various Victim Service agencies developing educational and training materials regarding trauma, domestic violence and other crimes against persons.


  1. Day 1 Presentation
  2. Day 2 Presentation



  1. Video on Motivation - Real Life Hero
  2. Social Marketing and Prevention of Violence Against Women - E-newsletter Issue 8


Website & Social Media Links:

  1. VAW Learning Network Website
  2. VAW Learning Network Facebook
  3. VAW Learning Network Twitter


Other Documents

Community Mobilization: Preventing Partner Violence by Changing Social Norms

This paper examines community mobilization as a comprehensive and distinct approach in primary prevention of partner violence.  The paper defines community mobilization including the functions of process, structure and content and how these functions draw upon public health and social justice frameworks; discusses monitoring and evaluation of community mobilization efforts; and outlines key elements for success and typical challenges.  Recommendations for further development are provided.

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