Moose Hide Campaign Talks Indigenous Masculinity!

Presented by: Sage Lacerte
This Live was presented and recorded on December 8, 2022.

Gain insight on Indigenous masculinity with 5 actionable tools to get you mobilized within your family, community, and across Turtle Island! This session explores the intersectional nature of Indigenous masculinity. Building healthier masculinities is a important step in standing up against violence towards women and children.



Moose Hide Campaign

Moose Hide Campaign is an Indigenous-led grassroots movement of men, boys, and all Canadians - standing up to end violence against women and children. Efforts to address domestic and gender-based violence have historically been led by women and women’s organizations. The Campaign was founded on the belief that men and boys need to step up and take action too, challenging behaviour that leads to violence and developing a culture of healthy masculinity. Learn more about the Moose Hide Campaign:

You can host a Moose Hide Campaign gathering in YOUR community on Moose Hide Campaign Day!



Sage Lacerte is Carrier from the Lake Babine Nation and has served as the National Ambassador of the Moose Hide Campaign (created by her father and sister) since 2019. Sage’s worldview centres on relationships to each other and to Mother Earth, which has been nourished informed by Indigenous knowledge from all her relations across Turtle Island and BA from the University of Victoria in Gender Studies.

Sage is a member of the Board of the Victoria Native Friendship Centre and the Lieutenant-Governor’s Youth Advisory Council. In 2019, she founded Sage Initiative, the first Indigenous womxn’s impact-investment collective that will generate a circular economy by facilitating the flow of capital from Indigenous womxn investors to Indigenous social enterprises.

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