Reaching Youth through Sports: Trauma-Informed Physical Activity

  • English

  • French

Date: March 7, 2017

Presented by: Rebekah Roulier, Chief Operating Officer, Doc Wayne

  1. Presentation Slides
  2. En français

Presentation: Doc Wayne, a non-profit that connects with youth through sports has a specially designed curriculum, Do the Good (DtG), built on the therapeutic model of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and The Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competency Framework. In this webinar, participants learned about Do the Good, a trauma-informed sports intervention.

By the end of the webinar, participants were: 

  • Able to understand why sport lends itself to trauma informed care and intervention. 
  • Able to understand the benefits and differences between positive youth development and trauma-informed sport.
  • Introduced to Doc Wayne's unique model and methods of program delivery
  • Introduced to 5 best practices for delivering trauma informed sport services.

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