Trauma-Informed Responses to Human Trafficking

  • English

  • French

Date: October 22, 2019

Presented by: Brenda Quenneville, MSW, RSW, Social Worker and Gina Snooks, PhD candidate in Women's Studies and Feminist Research, Western University

Description: The Northeastern Ontario Research Alliance on Human Trafficking (NORAHT) contends that intersectional trauma-informed approaches are key to understanding and addressing the complexities of human trafficking. Human trafficking is at once an intrapersonal, interpersonal and structure phenomenon. Thus, we argue that service provision designed to support persons who have been trafficked must be rooted in diverse trauma-theories and human rights approaches that are strengths-based, culturally appropriate and support persons’ agency and self-determination while also  drawing attention to the multifaceted ways in which histories of structural violence and cultural, social and political dimensions inform experiences of human trafficking on personal, organizational and system levels. In this webinar, we provide a theoretical overview as well as examples for the practical application of intersectional trauma-informed practices and we invite audiences to critically reflect upon ways in which these practices can be utilized in your own work on human trafficking and sexual exploitation.

Speaker Bios:

Brenda-Quenneville-sq.pngBrenda Quenneville is co-Director and founding member of the Northeastern Ontario Research Alliance on Human Trafficking. She teaches part time for Nipissing University's Social Work program, focusing on structural and interpersonal violence. She provides individual and group counselling to people with lived experience of various traumas, trauma-focused clinical supervision to social workers and psychotherapists seeking to develop their trauma-lens, and a variety of support services to agencies exposed to organizational vicarious trauma through her private practice: Centered Fire Counselling and Consulting.


GinaSnooks-sq.jpgGina Snooks is a research assistant with NORAHT and a PhD candidate in Women's Studies and Feminist Research at Western University. Her research focuses on trauma and healing practices. She sits on the Board of Directors for Girls Inc. of Northern Alberta in Fort McMurray, Alberta.

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