Kharoll-Ann Souffrant
The Early Origins of the #MeToo Movement: Black and Racialized Experiences
This Webinar was presented and recorded on October 17, 2023.
This Webinar discusses the #MeToo/#MoiAussi movement through an anti-racist, feminist, and intersectional lens. It centers the experiences of Black and racialized women who have publicly denounced sexual violence in Quebec, France, and the United States. It asks what justice looks like for Black and racialized women, and how service providers, researchers, and policymakers can support that justice.
Webinar Recording
Learning Objectives
After participating in this Webinar, participants will better be able to:
- Trace the genesis of the #MeToo movement through cases of Black and racialized women who have denounced sexual violence
- Document some of the issues facing Black women who wish to disclose or report sexual violence
- Begin a reflection on what it means to "get justice" in the context of reporting sexual violence for Black and racialized women
- Develop intervention approaches regarding the concept of justice with Black and racialized survivors of sexual violence
Kharoll-Ann Souffrant is a doctoral candidate in social work at the University of Ottawa. She holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in social work from McGill University. Currently, she is a 2023-24 Pre-Doctoral Fellow in Black Studies at Queen’s University. Her dissertation focuses on Black feminist activists and Black survivors' perspectives on the #MeToo movement in Quebec. Kharoll-Ann Souffrant is also the author of Le privilège de dénoncer - Justice pour toutes les victimes de violences sexuelles, a book that offers an intersectional perspective on the #MeToo movement. It was published in Quebec and Europe by Les éditions du remue-ménage. She has been named a 2020 United Nations Fellow for People of African Descent and is a columnist for several Quebec media outlets.
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