Learning Network Forum

Gender-Based Violence Work in Context:
Addressing Structural Violence and Promoting Agency

Date: October 8, 2019 l 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Location: Crystal Ballroom, Lamplighter Inn, 591 Wellington Rd, London, ON

The Learning Network values diverse ways of knowing and brings together the voices of researchers, community justice activists, people with lived experience, and front-line service providers.

Presenters in this Learning Network Forum addressed both personal and structural aspects of gender-based violence work in a range of contexts, including working to protect children, covering gendered news stories, developing and using online platforms, and administering justice.

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Learning Objectives

Participants at this Forum are now better able to:

  • Describe structural violence and its implications for gender-based violence work
  • Delineate how institutional racism and oppression amplifies experiences of abuse and compounds marginalization
  • Understand how various systems (e.g. child welfare, justice), policies, and media can constrain and/or empower individuals and communities
  • Identify pathways to allyship, agency, and systemic reform

Speakers and Working Presentation Titles


Working Presentation Titles

JulieBaumann.jpg Julie Baumann, SafeSpace London Co-Founder and Community Coordinator The Policing of Sex Work in London, Ontario: Instruments of Surveillance and Moments of Resistance
TamaraBernard.jpg Tamara Bernard, Researcher for ONWA, PhD Candidate at Lakehead University Creating Safe Spaces for Indigenous Women in Canada
RupaleemBhuyan.jpg Rupaleem Bhuyan, PhD, Associate Professor, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto Promoting Collective Action among Migrant Communities to Address the Structural Violence of Precarious Status and Precarious Work
DillonBlack.jpg Dillon Black, Project Coordinator at Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW) Transparency is Power: Gendered Violence, Technology & Surveillance
ElishaCorbett.jpg Elisha Corbett, PhD Candidate at Queen's University in Political Studies and a former Senior Researcher with the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Media Representations of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls: Creating, Maintaining, and Silencing the Violence
OlsonCrow.jpg Olson Crow, Community Organizer and Activist  The Politics of Privatized Care: The Importance of Child Welfare Reform
Jodi-Hall.jpg Jodi Hall, Professor and Research Consultant at School of Nursing and Centre for Research and Innovation, Fanshawe College; Assistant Adjunct Professor at Arthur Labatt Family, School of Nursing, Western University The Policing of Sex Work in London, Ontario: Instruments of Surveillance and Moments of Resistance
KalimahJohnson.jpg Kalimah Johnson, Founder and Executive Director of SASHA Center Unpacking the SASHA Model: The “Black Women's Triangulation of Rape" and Why an Abandoned Warehouse in Detroit is JUST NOT BIG ENOUGH
leZlieleekam.jpg leZlie lee kam, queer DYKE community activist Living and Breathing Intersectionality

Myrna Kicknosway, Visiting Elder, Western University  

Traditional Opening and Closing Ceremonies
MarlihanLopez.jpg Marlihan Lopez, Co-Vice-President for la Fédération des femmes du Québec and Undergraduate Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality Program at the Simone de Beauvoir Institute Mothering at the Intersections of Disability and Race: How Being a Single Parent to a Neurodivergent Child Changed My Work as a Community Organizer
patricia-mcguire.jpg Patricia McGuire, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, Carleton University Creating Safe Spaces for Indigenous Women in Canada
JanetMosher.jpg Janet Mosher, Associate Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School and the Director of Clinical Legal Education at Osgoode Mapping Law's Role in Gender-Based Structural Violence
JadePeek.jpg Jade Peek, Director of Community Care & Advocacy, Kind Space Solutions through Intersectional Methodologies

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"4 Reasons to Attend the Learning Network Forum on Gender-Based Violence Work in Context"

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The Learning Network Forum welcomes everyone, including people with accessibility needs.  Please contact us at vawln@uwo.ca for any specific questions and suggestions. 

  • ASL interpretation available upon request up to a week before the event (Tuesday, October 1)
  • Quiet space to speak with Elder provided
  • Gender-neutral bathroom available
  • Main floor washroom accessible 
  • Four accessible parking spaces beside doors  
  • Free parking with 450 spaces
  • Portable accessible items available to hotel room guests upon request
  • Registration name-tags with option to include pronouns 
  • Vegan lunch option will be made available, please inform us of other dietary restrictions at vawln@uwo.ca
  • Presenters will have microphones and microphones will be spaced throughout the room for question and answer discussions 

Please note: Some individuals have informed us of their scent sensitives. To respect their health needs, avoid artificially scented products such as perfume, cologne, aftershave, deodorant, body lotion, shampoo, and fabric softener.


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