Engaging Men and Boys to End Violence Against Women: An Annotated Bibliography of Online Resources

Learning Network Brief 8

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Engaging Men & Boys to End Violence Against Women: An Annotated Bibliography of Online Resources.  Learning Network Brief (8).  London, Ontario: Learning Network, Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children.  http://www.gbvlearningnetwork.ca/

This is a refereed publication.  The views expressed in this brief do not necessarily represent the views of the Learning Network or the Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children. While all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this publication, no liability is assumed for any errors or omissions.

The Learning Network is an initiative of the Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children, based at Western Education, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada.

Background papers/Technical reports

Because I am a Girl. The State of the World’s Girls, 2011. So, what about boys? 
N. van der Gaag. Plan International (2011)

This is the fifth report in a series published by Plan International that examines the rights of girls throughout childhood, adolescence and adulthood.  This issue discusses the importance of engaging men and boys in working for gender equality.  The report includes research, definitions, case studies, and recommendations for action.  

Building Cultures of Respect and Non-Violence: A review of literature concerning adult learning and violence prevention programs with men.
S. Dyson, M. Flood VicHealth (2008)

This literature review highlights best practice principles for adult learning and theoretical models used to develop gender –based violence prevention programs. Examples of models and practices used in professional sporting and other settings as well as peer mentoring programs used to provide education and prevent violence against women are offered.

Engaging Men and Boys in Domestic Violence Prevention: Opportunities and Promising Approaches.
L. Wells, L. Lorenzetti, H. Carolo, T. Dinner, C. Jones, T. Minerson, & E. Esina. The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence (2013)

The paper highlights the importance of involving men and boys in preventing violence against women and outlines seven promising areas for engaging men and boys in domestic violence prevention: engaging fathers; men’s health; sports and recreation; role of the workplace; peer relationships; men as allies; and Aboriginal healing.  An overview of initiatives, policies, and promising practices within these seven areas are reviewed. 

Engaging Men from Diverse Backgrounds in Preventing Men’s Violence Against Women.  Stand Up!
National Conference on Eliminating All Forms of Violence Against CaLD Women, April 29-30 Canberra. M. Flood (2013)

This paper outlines the importance of involving men in preventing gender-based violence and provides an intersectional analysis of men and masculinities and violence against women.  The paper concludes by discussing effective strategies to engage culturally diverse men in violence prevention. 

Engaging Men. Partners in Social Change. Volume 14, Issue 2.  
Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs Prevention Resource Center. (Summer 2011)

This issue of Partners in Social Change focuses on engaging men in preventing sexual violence.  A series of articles addresses such as accountability for men’s activism in violence prevention; engaging queer and trans sex men in activism; and a framework for engaging the “average joe”.     

Engaging Men in Men’s Violence Prevention: Exploring the Tensions, Dilemmas and Possibilities.
B. Pease.  Australian Domestic & Family Violence Clearinghouse (2008)

This discussion paper identifies the roles of men in violence prevention and the need to recognize gender-based violence as a human rights issue.  The author provides arguments for involving men in violence prevention but also discusses the potential dangers that can accompany men’s involvement.  Principles that will mitigate the potential risks of men’s involvement in preventing gender-based violence are discussed.

Issue Brief: Engaging Men and Boys to Reduce and Prevent Gender-Based Violence.
T. Minerson, H.Carolo, T.Dinner, C. Jones.  Status of Women Canada. (2011)

This paper provides a history of the efforts in Canada and across the globe to engage with men and boys to prevent gender-based violence. Issues and dimensions of gender-based violence are discussed as well as the impact of violence on communities of interest. Prevention and intervention strategies are offered. 

MenEngage Alliance Call for Action at the Commission on the Status of Women 2013: Making Primary Prevention from Gender-Based Violence a Global Right.
MenEngage Alliance (2013)

The MenEngage Alliance calls on the UN and national governments to take primary prevention seriously and implement 10 concrete steps for engaging men and boys in preventing gender-based violence. 

Men’s Participation as Fathers in Latin American and Caribbean Region: A Critical Literature Review with Policy Considerations.
G. Barker & F.Verani.  Promundo and Save the Children Sweden (2008)

This report provides an overview and analysis of men’s participation as fathers in the Latin American and Caribbean region. Topics include: the role of men in families; role of men in child development and well-being; policy and program experiences influencing men’s participation as fathers. Program, policy and research considerations for the region are discussed.

Where Men Stand: Men’s roles in ending violence against women.
M. Flood. A White Ribbon Foundation Report. (2010).

This paper provides contemporary information about men’s attitudes towards violence against women and perpetration of violence against women in Australia.  Men’s roles as bystanders are discussed and examples of men’s violence prevention activities are offered.

Women 2000 and beyond: The role of men and boys in achieving gender equality.
United Nations (2008)

This paper discusses opportunities and frameworks for engaging men in promoting gender equality with a focus on issues of violence, health, fatherhood, the workplace, and engaging youth.  Strategies and best practices, such as changing attitudes and behaviours and mobilizing men to take action on systems that maintain gender inequalities, are discussed.

Working With Men to Prevent Violence Against Women:  An Overview. (Part One)
A. Berkowitz. VAWnet (2004)

Effective strategies for engaging men in violence prevention efforts from the perspectives of men who are participants of anti-violence programs and men who provide them are discussed. Strategies include approaching men as partners rather than perpetrators; activities and discussions must be led by male peers; and enhancement of positive anti-violence attitudes. 


Attitudinal Survey on Violence Against Women. Detailed Report.
Prepared for the Province of New Brunswick Executive Council Office Women’s Issues Branch. Harris/Decima. July 14, 2009

A survey of more than 500 people living in New Brunswick was conducted in 2009 to provide insight into the public’s attitudes regarding the causes of violence against women; attitudes towards women; and awareness of services available in the province. Findings regarding aboriginal peoples’ attitudes are also presented.

Engaging men as social justice allies in ending violence against women: Evidence for a social norms approach.
P. M. Fabiano, H. W. Perkins, A. Berkowitz, J. Linkenbach, & C. Stark. (2004).  Journal of American College Health, 52 (3).

A survey of Washington State undergraduate university students assessed perceived norms for consent and willingness to intervene in situations that lead to sexual assault. Data suggest that men underestimate the importance that most men and women place on consent and willingness of most men to intervene against sexual violence. Findings support the use of a social norms approach to sexual assault prevention for men. Key considerations for strengthening campus cultural environments to reduce sexual violence are provided.

Evolving Men: Initial Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey.
Instituto Promundo and the International Center for Research on Women (2011)

The International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) was conducted in six countries to build understanding of men’s attitudes and practices related to gender equality in order to inform policy development to promote gender equality by engaging men. Findings suggest that younger men and men with higher levels of education have more gender-equitable attitudes; and most men conceptually accept gender equality even if they are not actually practicing it in their daily lives. 

Global Efforts to Engage Men in Preventing Violence Against Women: An International Survey.
E. Kimball, J. L. Edleson, R.M. Tolman, T. Neugut. & J. Carlson (2011) Violence against Women (in press).

This study surveyed 165 individuals representing organizations from across the world in order to gain a better understanding of the global movement of engaging men in preventing violence against women.  Participants were asked about formal and informal programs and services provided by their organization.  Findings indicated that a large number of organizations work to engage men in violence prevention initiatives.  A quarter of these organizations focused exclusively on engaging men in violence prevention.

Male Attitudes regarding Domestic and Sexual Violence. Survey report.
R.Clark & R. Casey. Castleton Polling Institute, Vermont (2012). 

A telephone survey was conducted with more than 300 men in Vermont to obtain information regarding men’s attitudes about violence against women. Participants were asked to categorize various behaviors and then identify at what point they would intervene in a hypothetical scenario.  Factors linked to attitudes supporting violence against women were age, education and relationship status.

Men’s attitudes and behaviors toward violence against women.
Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters (2012)

This presentation features findings from a telephone survey of 1000 men conducted by Leger Marketing in February 2012 to understand Alberta men’s views regarding gender equity, perceptions of domestic violence, attitudes towards violence against women, and the role of men in reducing and preventing violence. Downloadable PowerPoint presentation listed under 'Surveys'

Where Men Stand: Men’s role in ending violence against women.
M. Flood. White Ribbon Foundation of Australia (2010)

This report summarizes research and statistics to describe the prevalence of violence against women, men’s attitudes towards violence against women, and what role men can and do play in preventing gender-based violence.  The report indicates that the majority of men do not condone violence against women; the majority of men are willing to intervene in domestic violence situations; and more men are becoming involved in violence prevention.

Public Policy and Advocacy

Inventory of policies and policy areas influencing father involvement.
D.S. Lero,  L. Ashbourne, D. Whitehead. Centre for Families, Work & Well-Being, University of Guelph. Father Involvement Research Alliance. (2006).

This inventory identifies public policies, institutional practices, and community services that construct or shape fathers’ rights, responsibilities, and opportunities for involvement with their children. The inventory also addresses how these policies may affect the diversity that exists among fathers.

Men’s Participation as Fathers in Latin American and Caribbean Region: A Critical Literature Review with Policy Considerations.
G. Barker & F. Verani. Promundo and Save the Children Sweden  (2008)

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview and analysis of men’s participation as fathers in the Latin American and Caribbean region. This literature review contains theoretical and empirical considerations on: the role of men in families and on the role of men in child development and well-being; policy and program experiences influencing men’s participation as fathers; existing data on men’s participation as fathers in the region; and some economic implications of men’s participation and non-participation as fathers. The paper concludes with program, policy and research considerations for the region.

National plan to reduce violence against women and their children including the first three-year action plan.
Council of Australian Governments (2010)

The National Plan is designed to provide a coordinated framework that improves the scope, focus and effectiveness of governments’ actions, ensuring women and their children receive the support and information they need.

Policy approaches to engaging men and boys in achieving gender equality and health equity.
World Health Organization (2010)

This brief provides a case for using policy approaches to engage men, a framework for integrating men into policies aimed at reducing gender inequity, and highlights some policy initiatives that have advanced gender equality.

The Costs and Benefits of Active Fatherhood. Evidence and insights to inform the development of policy and practice.
A. Burgess.  Fathers Direct, United Kingdom (2008)

This comprehensive document highlights research regarding fatherhood in various contexts including vulnerable fathers, working with vulnerable fathers; fatherhood during various child development periods, and fathers and family change.

What men have to do with it: Public policies to promote gender equality.
Barker et al. International Center for Research on Women & Instituto Promundo (2010)

The Men & Gender Equality Policy Project is a multi-year, multi-country effort to leverage existing policies and raise awareness among policymakers of the need to involve men in gender equality, health, and development agendas. This report reviews policies from several countries and their impact on gender equality goals, addressing social norms that reinforce gender role stereotypes, and gaps in various policy areas including engaging men as fathers and caregivers.


24/7 Dad® Program
National Fatherhood Initiative

The Second Edition of this comprehensive fatherhood program provides tools, strategies, and activities to promote the characteristics needed to be a good father 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It was designed by fathering and parenting experts and purports applicability to men from diverse backgrounds.  

Narrative Therapy: Abuse Intervention Program
T. Augusta-Scott (2008)

This program is for men who use violence in their interpersonal relationships.  It uses a Narrative Therapy approach that includes: creating a context for studying past abusive behaviour, relapse prevention planning, understanding the effects of abuse, and healing and repairing the effects of abuse.  Manuals are available from the Bridges Institute for the facilitator, as well as the participants.  

Caring Dads
K. Scott, C. Crooks & T. Kelly (2006)

This empirically-based, manualized group-parenting intervention is for men at high risk of or who have maltreated, neglected or exposed their children to domestic violence. The program includes outreach to mothers to promote safety, as well as collaborative case management of fathers with those who refer and those who are involved with men’s families.

Coaching Boys into Men (CBIM) Coaches Kit
Futures Without Violence (2012)

This leadership program equips athletic coaches with strategies and resources to foster attitudes and behaviors that prevent relationship abuse, harassment, and sexual assault. “Teach-easy tactics and trainings” illustrate how coaches can promote healthy relationships and build the philosophies of respect, teamwork, and fair play into their practice. 

InsideOut Dad® .  A Program for Incarcerated Fathers.
National Fatherhood Initiative

This curriculum focuses on the fathering received by and the past experiences of incarcerated men as a way of helping them move towards involved and healthy parenting of their own children. The curriculum is modeled on the 24/7Dad®  Program and includes 12 core sessions that are complemented with 24 optional sessions.  Topics include: being a man, handling emotions, relationships, parenting, child development, discipline, fathering from the inside.

Men of Strength Club (MOST)
Men Can Stop Rape

This primary violence prevention and development initiative focuses on mobilizing young men to prevent sexual assault and dating violence.  The program provides youth with support in a structured setting, the Club, to explore how traditional masculinity contributes to violence against women, and to build new understandings of masculinity that promote healthy relationships.

Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP).
J. Katz (2011)

This school violence prevention initiative promotes a “bystander” model for empowering all students to play an active role in fostering a healthy culture and preventing gendered violence, bullying, and other violent expressions.  The approach centers on role-play situations that provide safe opportunities for secondary students to explore and practice viable responses to incidents of violence.

Promising Practice Profiles: Aboriginal Dads Program
Communities and Families Clearinghouse Australia (2010)

This program is for new and young Aboriginal fathers in Australia.  It supports and fosters positive parenting and community involvement through mentoring.  Program objectives include: working with Aboriginal fathers in culturally appropriate ways; establishing partnerships with Aboriginal and mainstream resources; recruiting and training Aboriginal male leaders; and increasing father involvement and awareness of its positive benefits.  

Supporting Father Involvement (SFI) Program (2011)

This evidence-informed program consists of a 16 week group (either for fathers only or for couples), case management, and organizational change efforts in the organizations providing services to the involved families. Objectives include: reducing distress in group members; improving the quality of the couple’s relationship, as well as their relationships with children and other family members; and to better use social supports to cope with stress. 

The Fourth R

This widely implemented, school-based universal prevention program, promotes healthy relationships and targets violence, high-risk sexual behaviour, and substance use among adolescents.  It contains a mental health component, is for students in 7th to 12th grades, and is incorporated in health education classes, English courses, or cross-curricula.  Adaptations of the curriculum exist for Native youth, alternative school settings, and After-School programs.

Wise Guyz – Relationship and Healthy Sexuality Program for Young Men
Calgary Sexual Health Centre (2013)

This group program for young men provides information and opportunities to build skills to develop and maintain sexual health and healthy relationships.  The 10 sessions are designed to be facilitated by a trained male sexual health educator and topics include anatomy and physiology, identifying influences on sexual health/sexuality/relationships, anti-homophobia, and respect for women.

Evaluations of Intervention/Prevention Initiatives

A school-based program to prevent adolescent dating violence.
D.A. Wolfe, C. Crooks, P. Jaffe, D. Chiodo, R. Hughes, W. Ellis, L. Stitt, A. Donner. (2009) Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, 163 (8) 692-699. 

An evaluation of the Fourth R dating violence prevention program was conducted. This program is implemented within the grade nine health and physical education curriculum and consists of units on personal safety and injury prevention; healthy growth and sexuality; and substance use and abuse.  A longitudinal evaluation of students found that the curriculum reduced physical dating violence and increased condom use 2.5 years after participation in the program.

Assessing the impact of InsideOut Dad on Newark community education centers (CEC) residential reentry center residents.
Rutgers University-Newark (2011)

This report presents a multi-method evaluation of the InsideOut Dad program, a 12 week parenting program in three Community Education Centers (CEC) Residential Reentry Centers in New Jersey. This qualitative and quantitative evaluation assessed changes in participant confidence, knowledge, self-esteem, attitudes and behaviors. Graduating participants overwhelmingly supported the program.

Engaging Boys and Young Men in the Prevention of sexual Violence: A systematic and global review of evaluated interventions.
C. Ricardo, M. Eads & G. Barker.  Sexual Violence Research Initiative and Promundo (2011)

A systemic review of 65 studies that evaluated school-based and community sexual violence prevention programs for young men and boys was conducted.  The review included high-quality studies that included randomized controlled or quasi-experimental design from 11 countries and represented a diversity of economic, cultural populations. Implications for the development of effective intervention programs are offered.

Engaging Men and Boys in Changing Gender-based Inequity in Health:  Evidence from Programme Interventions.
G. Barker, C. Ricardo & M. Nascimento. World Health Organization (2007)

This review analyzed data from 58 evaluation studies of interventions with men and boys to assess program effectiveness of achieving gender equality and equity in health.  Programs were rated on their gender approach (gender sensitive, gender neutral, and gender transformative) and overall effectiveness. Programs rated as gender transformative had a higher rate of effectiveness.

Engaging Men to Prevent Gender-based Violence: A multi-country intervention and impact evaluation study.
Instituto Promundo (2012)

Findings from projects designed to increase the engagement of men and boys in addressing and preventing violence against women in Brazil, Chile, India and Rwanda are discussed. Different approaches were taken in each country to promote critical reflections about gender inequitable norms and those that support men’s use of violence against women based on findings from national IMAGES surveys. Results from the four sites confirm the efficacy of targeted group education.

Evaluating the Mentors in Violence Prevention Program: Preventing gender violence on a college campus.
A. Cissner. U.S. Department of Education. January 2009.

This study examined the processes and impact of the MVP program with college fraternity and sorority members at Syracuse University.  The program is found to be effective in reducing sexist attitudes and improving self-efficacy.  A diverse group of stakeholders came together to plan and implement the program, identified realistic goals and engaged in continued self-reflection to attain them.

Evaluation of the men and family relationships initiative.
Final Report and Supplementary Report. C. O’Brien & K. Rich
. Australia (2002)

The Men and Family Relationships initiative funded by the Government of Australia focused on providing services to men regarding relationship problems. Surveys found that men have a high degree of commitment to families and motivated to the development of successful relationships. Preventative and treatment services which build on men’s existing strengths and problem-solving strategies are more likely to succeed in engaging men. 

Men of Strength Clubs: 2009 – 2010 Evaluation Findings.
S. Anderson (2011)

The Men Can Stop Rape's youth development program, Men of Strength Club (MOST), is a primary violence prevention program designed to mobilize young men to prevent sexual and dating violence.  Evaluation of the program includes pre and post survey results examining the participants’ knowledge, beliefs, intentions, and behaviors on topics generally related to masculinity and violence.

Men, Masculinity, and Violence Against Women: Analysis of an Intervention.
R. Abhijit Das, R. Wahl, R. Amin Barbhuiya, S. Chandra & S. Kumar Singh. SAHAYOG (2011)

An evaluation of the Men's Action to Stop Violence Against Women (MASVAW) program in India, where a network of male activists are engaged in addressing gender-based violence in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.  Study evaluated the extent to which and how core MASVAW activists incorporate gender-equitable views and practices into their own lives; and to measure the influence of such men on the lives of men around them. Domains examined include parenting, domestic work participation, husband-wife relationship, sexuality and masculinity.

Supporting Father Involvement (SFI) Program.  Evidence-based practice.

Variations of the Supporting Father Involvement interventions have been evaluated focusing on low to middle income Caucasian and Mexican-American families in the United States.  Findings suggest that parenting programs that do not address the couples’ relationships have limited effects on the family system; and there is a causal connection between improvements in the marital and parent-child relationship and the children’s adaptation.

The “In Search of your warrior” program for Aboriginal offenders: A preliminary evaluation.
S. Trevethan, J.P. Moore & N. Allegri.  Correctional Service of Canada (2005)

This project examined the “In Search of Your Warrior” (ISOYW) program, an intervention developed for federally-incarcerated, male Aboriginal offenders with a history of violence. The program blends aspects of traditional Aboriginal spirituality with western approaches to treatment.  Participants demonstrate lower need for intervention targeting personal distress, family issues, substance abuse, and community functioning. Recommendations for improving the program are offered.

Educational/training curriculum, guides or toolkits

Addressing Domestic Violence in Canadian Muslim Communities: A Training Manual for Muslim Communities and Ontario Service Providers.
M. Baobaid & G. Hamed. Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support and Integration (MRCSSI) (2010)

This resource provides a framework for strengthening collaboration among Muslims and mainstream service providers.  Training objectives include: educating the Muslim community on the Canadian justice system response to DV and on available DV services;  and, exposing mainstream/Canadian service providers to culturally sensitive strategies for responding to DV in the Muslim community. 

Community Resource Guide: What can I do to help the families of missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls?  Chapter 1 (section E) Toolkit: Men as Effective Allies.
Native Women’s Association of Canada (2010)

This toolkit outlines steps for Aboriginal boys and men to learn to stand as allies and support Aboriginal girls and women.  The four steps include embracing traditional or spiritual teachings; engage in personal growth and in relationships; get involved as a role model, in peer support, and as a member of a community; and, become an advocate for gender equality and healthy relationships. 

Engaging Boys and Men in Gender Transformation: The Group Education Manual.
The ACQUIRE Project and Promundo (2008)

This educational manual provides trainers and facilitators with exercises to engage men to explore gender socialization and develop more positive attitudes to prevent unhealthy behaviours that put their families at risk.  Topics include: gender and power; sexuality; men and health; substance use; healthy relationships; STI and HIV prevention; living with HIV; fatherhood; violence; and making change, taking action.   

Engaging Boys to Stop Violence: A step-by-step guide for initiating social change.
Save the Children Sweden (2010)

This guide outlines the important steps for agencies or communities to take when implementing initiatives to engage men and boys in violence prevention.  It describes a seven step process from making a start and implementing the project to engaging stakeholders and mainstreaming policy.  Tools for working with boys and other resources are also provided.

Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and Health. A Global Toolkit for Action.
Promundo, UNFPA & MenEngage (2010)

This toolkit provides conceptual and practical information for program planners, health providers, educators, and advocates, on engaging men and boys in promoting gender equality and health.  Topics include: sexual and reproductive health; maternal, newborn and child health; fatherhood; HIV and AIDS prevention; care and support; and gender-based violence prevention.  The toolkit also provides global best practices from organizations.

Men and Boys Knowledge Module.
A. Guedes. UNIFEM & MenEngage (2012)

This module provides concrete guidance on how to design and implement a program for engaging men and boys in violence prevention. It includes information on what is known, guiding principles for this work, how to plan and design a program, and program implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

Men as Peacemakers

Men as Peacemakers was created in response to a number of murders that occurred in Deluth, MN in the 1990’s.  Men in the community made a commitment that they needed to be involved in ending violence.  Through modeling, mentoring, training, educating, and storytelling, Men as Peacemakers teach boys, men, women, and girls that violence is not acceptable. 

Mobilising Men in Practice: Challenging Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Institutional Settings.  Tools, Stories, Lessons.
A. Greig with J. Edström. Institute of Development Studies (2012) 

This guidebook brings together stories and lessons learned in engaging men to challenge institutionalized sexism and gender-based violence. Best practices and tools used by partners in India, Kenya, and Uganda are provided. Content includes sections on becoming activists for change, understanding institutional violence, taking action for change, and reading resources.

One Man Can: Building the Capacity of Traditional Leaders, Government and Civil Society to Involve Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality
M. Botha, V. Cornell & D. Peacock.  Sonke Gender Justice Network (2009)

This report describes a project in and around Mabesktraal that encouraged community mobilization to change perceptions amongst community members on gender roles and gender relations, reduce the spread and impact of HIV/AIDS, and halt gender-based violence. Training and technical assistance were provided to partner organizations implementing strategies to reduce HIV Infections by increasing men’s understanding  of  risk within the context of sexual partnerships, and to reduce gender based violence by increasing awareness among men of the need to and the benefits of redefining privileges and rights of men and women.  

One Man Can.  Workshop Activities Manual (1st ed): Talking to men about gender, domestic and sexual violence and HIV/AIDS.
Sonke Gender Justice Network

This manual outlines activities that are used to engage men and encourage them to reflect on their attitudes and values towards women, gender, gender-based violence, HIV/AIDS, and human rights with the intent that they will take action in preventing violence, reducing the spread and impact of HIV and AIDS, and promoting gender equity.  Topics include: gender, power & health; gender and violence; gender, sex and HIV/AIDS; healthy relationships; and taking action for change. 

Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+).
Status of Women Canada (2012)

This analytical tool is designed to advance gender equality in Canada. GBA+ assesses the potential impacts of policies or initiatives on women, men, boys and girls while considering the intersection of sex and gender with other identity factors.  A training course is available that explains how to use the tool. 

Guide to Engaging Men and Boys in Preventing Violence Against Women & Girls
Men’s Nonviolence Project. Texas Council on Family Violence (2010)

This guide provides a framework for highlighting the type of initiatives that are and can be taken to engage men and boys in preventing violence against women. Opportunities and tools for practice and research are presented for motivating others, community education, service provider education, fostering coalitions and networks, and changing organizational practices.    

Sexual Violence and the Spectrum of Prevention: Towards a Community Solution
R. Davis, L. Fujie Parks, & L. Cohen.  Prevention Institute. National Sexual Violence Resource Center (2006)

This publication uses a tool, the Spectrum of Prevention, to provide a framework for a comprehensive prevention approach for sexual violence.  The approach is designed for advocates, practitioners, and educators who are or want to be working to prevent sexual violence in their communities. 

Warrior-Caregivers: Understanding the Challenges and Healing of the First Nations Men.
A Resource Guide. W.J. Mussell.  The Aboriginal Healing Foundation Ottawa (2005)

This guide provides parents and caregivers with strategies to help raise healthy, strong and responsible First Nations boys and youths. It includes a literature review, findings of interviews with key informants, contextual factors contributing current realities, a section on grieving, healing and empowerment, and ways to strengthen community care. 

What Will It Take? Ending Abuse of Women & Girls Starts With Us.  Building the Safest State for All Women and Girls.
Men’s Initiative Toolkit. Chicago Foundation for Women

This toolkit outlines why men should be involved and what men can do in ending gender-based violence.  It describes five concrete steps on how to engage men and includes a continuum of action, activities, suggestions for men’s involvement, and resources. 

Where Our Boys At? Involving Young Men as Allies to End Violence Against Girls Toolkit.
Rogers Park Young Women’s Action Team (WYAT) (2011)

This toolkit was informed by a youth lead and adult supported campaign to engage young men in ending violence against girls.  It includes introduction and preparation material, curriculum units, lessons learned from the WYAT experience, a reading list, and information on evaluation. 

Public Education Campaigns/Social Marketing

Don’t be that guy!
Sexual Assault Voices of Edmonton (2010)

 “Don’t Be That Guy,” was developed by Sexual Assault Voices of Edmonton (SAVE) and was launched in November 2010. The campaign uses posters to generate conversation and redirect the understanding of where the responsibility lies in cases of drug-facilitated sexual assaults.  The overall message is directed to potential offenders and male bystanders. 

Founding Fathers
Futures Without Violence (2011)

The Founding Fathers campaign was initiated on Father’s Day 2003 by Futures Without Violence.  The campaign started with 350 men signing a declaration to join the movement to end violence against women and girls.  The names of the men who support the campaign are printed on a full-page ad in the New York Times every Father’s Day.  The campaign provides videos of celebrity founding fathers discussing the importance of engaging men in violence prevention.

It Starts With You.  It Stays With Him.
White Ribbon (2009)

In 2009, White Ribbon Canada, in partnership with the Centre ontarien de prévention des agressions (COPA) launched the bilingual online-based social media campaign, It Starts With You.  It Stays With Him (Ça Commence Avec Toi. Ça Reste Avec Lui).  The goal of the campaign is to facilitate men’s capacity to engage boys and young men in their lives and communities by promoting gender equality and teaching the skills and benefits of healthy relationships.

Male Athletes Against Violence (MAAV)

MAAV is a public education effort to engage men in preventing violence against women and understanding that gender-based violence should be considered a "man's issue."  MAAV provides educational campaign posters and encourages men to sign a pledge to be a positive role model, educate others on issues of violence against women, challenge social norms, and be supportive allies.

MenCare: A Global Fatherhood Campaign

MenCare is a global fatherhood campaign, coordinated by Promundo and Sonke Gender Justice Network, that promotes men as equitable, involved and non-violent fathers and caregivers.  The campaign is in 16 countries across 5 continents.  MenCare provides fatherhood groups, couple’s education, short films of men overcoming violence and combatting gender norms, and tools for communities to initiate their own campaign.  

The Men’s Story Project

The Men’s Story Project (MSP) first started in 2008 in San Francisco, CA.  It is a public performance and community dialogue project that highlights men’s stories on issues of sexism; racism; heterosexism; ableism and violence in order to encourage dialogue on what it means to be a man.  Men in the community use different public mediums (e.g., monologues, music, dance) to share their stories with an audience and encourage follow-up discussion.  The MSP website provides documentary films and training guides on how to organize a Men’s Story Project in your own community. 

Muslims for White Ribbon Campaign

The Campaign aims to break the silence around violence against women in the Muslim community, promote healthy relationships through education, and create partnerships among Mosques, women’s organizations and other social agencies in order to create a future without violence against women.  The campaign provides samples of Friday Khutbahs (sermons) that can be used to address domestic violence in the Muslim community; resources for women who need support; information/education on domestic violence in the Muslim community; information on upcoming events; and stories of Muslim men signing the pledge to end violence against women. 


Voices of Men

Ben Atherton-Zeman, a “recovering sexist”, created and performs a one-man play that addresses sexual assault and consent, dating violence and domestic violence, and objectification and sexual harassment in a humourous way that minimizes male defensiveness.  The goal of the play is to engage men and boys in self-reflection and violence prevention efforts.  Ben has performed the play for military members, colleges/universities, conferences, and community/peer theatre.

Walk a mile in her shoes

YWCA WALK A MILE IN HER SHOES® is an annual fundraising event which raises money to support women and children experiencing family violence.  The event asks men to walk a mile in a pair of heels to take a stand against violence.

Where do you stand?
Men Can Stop Rape

Men Can Stop Rape conducted interviews and focus groups with staff and students at college and university campuses in order to develop the “Where do you stand?” bystander intervention campaign to engage and mobilize college men in the prevention of sexual violence.  The campaign uses positive messaging and personalization to model and encourage men to do or say something to challenge harmful behaviours and attitudes contributing to sexual violence.  

Your Voice Counts

The Verizon Foundation, partnered with James Brown (host of NFL Today), A CALL TO MEN, Joyful Heart Foundation, and NO MORE, to create a campaign that calls on men to speak out against domestic violence.  The campaign outlines five ways men can speak up (call 911; be vocal; teach youth; ask women; and get help) and gives tips on how to start the conversation with others (e.g., son, peer, student).

Social Media and Other Links

Canadian Families and Corrections Network

Coach for America.  Coach Joe Ehrmann speaks about Yeardley Love

Coexist Initiative

Dads Rock

Delaware Men. Men’s Education Network.

Fatherhood Institute



Great Men Value Women

Higher Unlearning


Male Allies Against Sexual Violence






Men’s Action for Stopping Violence Against Women (MASVAW)

Men As Partners (MAP) – EngenderHealth

Men as Peacemakers

Men Can Stop Rape




MenEngage: boys and men for gender equality

Men Stopping Violence



National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS)



Respect Group Inc.

Ring the Bell (Bell Bajao)
Bell Bajao PDF

Sonke Gender Justice Network




Step Up

Stop Street Harassment



We Can End Violence Against Women




White Ribbon Campaign



XY: Men, Masculinities and Gender Politics

Learning from Men Engaged in the Work

A Call to Men: Tony Porter at TED Women in Washington DC

Violence & Silence: Jackson Katz, Ph.D at TEDxFiDiWomen

Words Speak Louder than Actions: Jeff Perera TEDxRyersonU

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