Disabled Sexuality and Pleasure Access

This Resource Spotlight was presented on May 30, 2024.

This Resource Spotlight features That Sex Show on AMI-tv which focuses on the intersections of disability, sex, and sexuality more broadly. We’ll discuss the importance of disability-focused and disability-inclusive sexuality education, connections between gender-based violence and disabled sexuality, and best practices for disability inclusion in relation to sexuality education.  



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Learning Objectives

Following this Resource Spotlight, participants will:

  • Gain a preliminary understanding on disability justice politics and its relationship to sexuality and pleasure.
  • Identify gaps in current sexuality education practices and their effects on disability communities.
  • Consider ways to better incorporate a disability focus into current work around sexuality and violence prevention education.



Rachele Manett (they/she) is a queer and disabled educator, certified therapeutic recreation specialist (CTRS), and the host of That Sex Show on AMI-tv. Their work focuses on sexuality, disability and access, and they are currently the education coordinator for Venus Envy; an education-based sex shop and bookstore with locations in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Ottawa, Ontario. 

[Visual description of speaker image: A pale, white person with dark, curly hair is smiling brightly and looking off to the side of the camera. They are wearing a black t-shirt that says "the future is accessible" in white writing. The backdrop is a city street.]

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