Zakary-Georges Gagné

  • English

  • Français

Understanding the Realities of Gender Diverse Peoples to Strengthen our Care Systems

This Webinar was presented and recorded on February 28, 2023.

A limited amount of services offer adequate and affirming support for gender diverse peoples in Canada. That is a true statement no matter what language you are fluent in. 2Spirit, Non-binary and Trans individuals often end up waiting to access these services or settling for services subjecting them to various forms of discrimination and systemic violence.

Similar to other minority groups, Francophones in Canada face barriers that are specific and unique to their location, and that often complicate access to appropriate and informed services.

In this presentation, Zakary-Georges Gagné (she/they) discusses the role that organizations or institutions offering care or support have in the creation of welcoming and intersectional spaces for gender diverse peoples, with specific attention to French-language spaces.

Webinar Recording



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Learning Objectives

After this Webinar, participants will have learned about:

  • The realities of gender diverse peoples in Canada and the systems of oppression that impact their experiences
  • The specific barriers French speakers deal with in linguistic minority settings
  • The importance of creating trans-affirming and indigenized community spaces


Zakary-Georges-Gagne.pngZakary-Georges Gagné (she/they)
Francophone Engagement Coordinator, The Enchanté Network

Zakary-Georges is a francophone, non-binary, transfeminine, and Cree individual. Originally from Québec, Zakary now resides in Katarokwi, traditional homeland of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and the Huron-Wendat, also known as Kingston, ON. Professionally, Zakary is the Francophone Engagement Coordinator at The Enchanté Network, Canada’s largest network of 2SLGBTQI+ organisations, and the President of FrancoQueer, Ontario’s provincial association for LGBTQIA2+ Francophones.

As an organizer, volunteer, educator, and artist, Zakary dedicates their work to the queer and trans communities in a linguistic minority setting. Their approach focusses on the wellbeing of gender, sexual, and culturally diverse people in hope of building and supporting resilient communities.

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